Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Treadmill

Academia: Ever have a day when you felt like you were running on a treadmill? That's how today felt for me. I ran around all day, and I feel like I got nowhere. I don't know how that happened. Running should get me somewhere. But instead, running got me in exactly the same place, reading O Magazine and watching close-captioned reruns of Judge Judy. Is this metaphor falling apart? Running on a treadmill is not good for my writing. (Metaphor within a metaphor? Someone stop me!)

Sartorial: I really just wanted to wear clothes that would cause minimal sweating today. I tried to explain the word "trendy" to a student today and realized that my own outfit was not a good example. Boo. But I wasn't naked, and I wasn't hot. Mission accomplished.

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