Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My Waistline Thanks You, Boyfriend Pants

I'm thinking about how much leftover Valentine's chocolate is in my office. 

T-shirt: Target
Pants: LOFT outlet
Jacket: LOFT
Shoes: Rack Room
Necklace: Inherited from grandmother
Earrings: Brian Moody

I started this outfit from the pants. After yesterday's Valentine's Day skinny jeans and ensuing chocolate overindulgence, I wanted to wear something a little less constricting. I had to peel myself out of my jeans yesterday and I certainly didn't think I would eat less chocolate than normal today, so loose pants it was.

These are the loosest pants I have that aren't sweatpants, and I think the boyfriend fit is chic, so this is where I started. I added this comfy t-shirt ($4 at Target!) and jean jacket, which made me feel a little bikerish, all black and denim. So then I tried to girly it up a little with the red flats and pearls. Overall, I was happy, comfortable, and appropriately warm, and there's not much else I ask of an outfit.


  1. the striped shirt and cropped pants is very audrey-meets-paris. so elegant!

  2. Aw, thanks! I love Audrey. And I love your blog too - I read it every day!


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